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Puertas Abiertas
El Espantapájaros
Paul Cezanne,1839-1906
Salvador Dali, 1904-1989
Paul Gauguin, 1848-1903
Henri Matisse, 1869-1954
Claude Monet, 1840-1926
Jackson Pollock, 1912-1956
Warfare In The Ancient World: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome
Warfare In The 16th To 19th Centuries: age of empires
Warfare In The 20th Century: age of global conflict
Ancient Greeks: why they matter to us
Animals In War
The Battle Of Passchendaele
Benjamin Zephaniah: my story
Charlotte Brontë
China's Terracotta Army
Copernicus, Galileo and Newton
Frederick Douglass: a slave biography
The Golden Age Of Baghdad
Hard Times: growing up in the Victorian Age
How To Be A Pirate: in 10 easy stages
How To Be A Tudor: in 20 easy stages
How To be A Viking: in 13 easy stages
I've Just Had A Bright Idea
The Kingdom Of Benin
Leisure And Entertainment Since 1900
The Life And Times Of William Shakespeare
My Olympic Story
Olaudah Equiano: from slavery to freedom
Palaces, Peasants And Plagues: England in the 14th century
Pompeii: the lost city
The Shang Dynasty
Sister Queens: the lives and reigns of Mary and Elizabeth
Surgery Through Time
Swimming The Dream
Technology In The Battle Of Britain
Top Ten Great Britons
War School For Dogs
Were They Real?
Flight: from Icarus to Space Ship One
Transport: from the first wheels to special cars
Early Britain 500,000 BC - AD 1154
Middle Ages 1154-1485
The Tudors And Stuarts 1485-1714
The Georgians 1714-1837
The Age of Empire: Historical events in the British Isles 1714-1901
Tudors, Stuarts And Civil War: Historical events in the British Isles 1509-1714
The Greeks And The Trojan War
William Shakespeare
Avoid Becoming An Incan Mummy
Avoid Being A 1920s Gangster
Avoid Being An Aristocrat In The French Revolution
Avoid Being An Assyrian Solider
Avoid Being A Convict Sent To Australia
Avoid Being A Mayan Soothsayer
Avoid Being A Medieval Knight
Avoid Being A Pirates' Prisoner
Avoid Being A Pony Express Rider
Avoid Being A Tudor Colonist
Avoid Being A Samurai